about metography.

Established in 2003, Metography is a San Francisco-based graphic design firm specializing in publications, corporate communications & identity, information graphics, and web design for small- and medium-size businesses and organizations.

Whether working solo or as part of a team, Metography demonstrates an understanding of the work that goes far beyond the current design processes and trends. We build enduring relationships with clients, colleagues, and vendors, always with an eye toward providing high-quality, custom design, management, and editorial services.

about me.

Metography is the business manifestation of me, Mary Beth Sanders. The name Metography is derived from the Greek words "meta" (to transform) and "graphis" (to write or draw). By means of words, pictures — and pictures that happen to be words — I transform the ideas and concepts of others into easily absorbed visual communication.

An affinity for words and pictures has always guided my intellectual growth. As a kid, I took part of the then experimental launch of the Junior Great Books Program. As a young teen, I attended art classes at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. When I began studies at Knox College, I knew I wanted two things: to read and to draw. I’ve studied Greek, Chinese calligraphy (more fun with words, pictures, and picture-words), and photography, just because.

I entered the graphics industry before the advent of desktop computers, running printing presses, typesetting, and preparing art at the drawing board. I developed and managed art studios in agencies and in the corporate environment. I was an early adopter of the Mac and graphics applications — Adobe 1.0, anyone? — not to mention web design and programming. Recently, I expanded my service offerings to include editing and proofreading — I do love those words.

I am as interested in capturing a concept with a single iconic graphic as I am in illuminating an idea through long-form visual documentation. I read and I make images so others can look, see — and maybe think about it.